.. SynopticPy Docs documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Dec 31 15:33:54 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: _static/SynopticPy_logo.png =========================================== The Synoptic API for Python (unofficial) =========================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :hidden: /user_guide/index /reference_guide/index The `Synoptic Mesonet API `_ (formerly MesoWest) gives you access to real-time and historical surface-based weather and environmental observations for thousands of stations. Synoptic data access is `free `_ for open-access data. More data and enhances services are available through a `paid tier `_ (available through Synoptic, not me). .. note:: 🌐 Register for a free account at the `Synoptic API Webpage `_. You will need to obtain an API token before using this python package. .. figure:: _static/synoptic_logo.png :width: 300 .. note:: You can create timeseries of observations from weather stations using the `Station Timeseries Web App `_. This is a quick way to use SynopticPy without writing any code yourself. SynopticPy is a collection of functions I use to conveniently access data from the Synoptic API and convert the JSON data to a `Pandas DataFrame `_. This may be helpful to others who are getting started with the Synoptic API and Python. The idea is loosely based on the obsolete `MesoPy `_ python wrapper, but returning the data as a Pandas DataFrame instead of a simple dictionary, making the retrieved data more ready-to-use. If you have stumbled across this package, I hope it is useful to you or at least gives you some ideas. **Best of Luck 🍀** -Brian